blurb, quote, article, & Essay

I once had a mentor tell me, “In creative non-fiction, if you write a shopping list down, it could be considered for publishing.” Until that moment, I hadn’t realized that all of my life creative non-fiction had been my jam, I just didn’t have a name for it. I’ve been filling up my hand, journals, notepads, scraps of paper, and (now) writing apps, since I was able to spell. It’s not always glorious pieces of brilliance, most of which have never and will never see the light of day. But It’s there, and it’s written down, and it’s me. Check out some of the least dustiest and best (in my humble opinion) writing pieces that I have to offer!


Speaking. teaching. preaching.

God is my favorite subject to talk about. I love to read, study, meditate on, and share His word. I also love to share His words, His expressed heart for today, rooted in the Word of God. I love how He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and yet is always doing new things, each day. I also enjoy talking and teaching on motherhood, marriage, writing, and photography, to name a few. Check out some clips of the most recent videos!

Faces, families, & product

Photography has always been a childhood passion — polaroids, single use cameras, developing pictures at Walgreens, and making tween collages of smiles and friends. While ultimately turning a passion into a semi-career, I’ve never lost touch of my point and shoot ways and days. Studio, natural, location, backdrop, I enjoy it all. I’ve done commercial, fashion, editorial, documentary, and lifestyle. But photos are better seen then talked about, so come check out some of my work!